Socialization 0f The Importance of Scientific Works for The Development Of Knowledge

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Uswatun Hasanah
Ahmad Yudira
Reny Khaerany
Indah Sari Liza Lubis
Erfan Wahyudi
Khamo Waruwu


Students generally cannot be separated from scientific work. Usually, this scientific work is taught in universities and entered into courses in the learning process. Even so, it seems that students are still unaware of the importance of scientific writing for developing knowledge. This service aims to provide an overview of the importance of these activities by using the lecture method. This activity succeeded in motivating students to make scientific work. It can be concluded that activities like this can build and encourage students to be more active in developing knowledge.

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How to Cite
hasanah, uswatun, Yudhira, A., Khaerany, R., Liza Lubis, I. S., Hajatina, H., Wahyudi, E., Waruwu, K., & Mukarramah, M. (2024). Socialization 0f The Importance of Scientific Works for The Development Of Knowledge. Pietas : Jurnal Pengabdian Abdimas, 1(1), 8–15.


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