Be Aware and Recognize the Use of Antibiotics: Outreach to the Community in the Field of Binjai City
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The use of antibiotics indiscriminately and in the wrong dosage can lead to the failure of the medical therapy. This is due to the occurrence of resistance to antibiotics. When the response to treatment is slow to the point of failure treatment, this can lead to long-term infectious disease. This activity aims to understand and increase awareness among the people living around Merdeka Square in Binjai City about the correct and appropriate use of antibiotics. This activity is carried out by providing counseling and education directly to the public as well as distributing brochures related to information about antibiotics. The result of this outreach activity to the community is increasing public knowledge and awareness regarding the importance of knowledge, primarily related to the correct use of antibiotics. Based on this, it is estimated that around 90% of the public who are given counseling use antibiotics at the wrong dosage, and around 80% of the public obtain antibiotics without using a doctor’s prescription.
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