Prevent and Avoid Diabetes Mellitus with A Healthy Lifestyle
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The purpose of the community service activities carried out at Merdeka Square in Binjai City is to educate the public about Diabetes Mellitus, including ways to prevent and avoid this disease with a healthy lifestyle so that they can maintain a good quality of life. Education is carried out verbally and non-verbally by distributing brochures containing relevant information, counselling, questions, and answers. At the final stage of the session, a free blood sugar check was carried out to see an overview of the blood sugar levels of the people attending this activity. Data on blood sugar levels, when obtained, can be information for the public whether there is potential for diabetes or not. The results of tests conducted on participants in this activity showed that the average blood sugar level was normal. In addition to this data, the people who attended also received information about managing a good diet, exercising regularly, and implementing self-care to improve their quality of life.
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